Friday, July 28, 2017

Why do Muslims pray 3 times a day?
PS> Islam is a 'religion'of 1 up manship on all religions. It comes from a position of superiority and arrogance as practiced by mohamed.

Mohamed knew the Jewish religion  very well . Normally Jews  pray 3 times a day -morning, after noon and evening.

On Yom Kippur( the holiest day for Jews) , Jews spend all day in Shul (Synagogue) , and the service has 5 distinct prayer services .

SO ...moham says if the Jews pray 5 times on their holiest  day & 3 normally , THEN islam will pray 5 times EACH day .

Hence showing their 'above the norm' position .

The Koran
De'plane De' plane cries Tutu De' book The Book that  the arabs did not have .

Christians had a Book, the Jews had a Book .  Having a vague idea of what happened before him in history from the Bible ( 5 books of Moses) , he invented the Koran . He did use the Bible as a base , but his allocation of people and places  were in the wrong era's.

The non Biblical parts were the rest which he made up and changed as he pleased !.


Again having been exposed to Judaism , moham knew that from about July -Sept there were a few fasting days in the Jewish calander, culminating in Yom Kippur.!!
Some 24 hr fats , other Sunrise - Sunset.

So....he said .  will go 1 up & fast for a month .....!!!   But the easier one...sunrise to sunset

Hence a whole MONTH .... in a row .

1 up man ship  again!!

The Haj 

Jews make 3 pilgrim visits to Jerusalem ... these festivals like other festivals are called Chag ( Chagim, plural)..

So moham copied this and made up1  HUGE pilgrim to a box once a year 

Haj ..Chag sound similar ... again a rip off from Judaism

Monday, February 24, 2014

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Perhaps he should spend time with me ....? Well at least near me , I don't want to much company.

Monday, November 23, 2009


As mentioned many times , I may be alone but never lonely. Whilst rummaging through some old books and articles , I nearly died of laughter after reading this.


This was originally shown on BBC TV back in the 70's... Ronnie Barker .

This is the story of Rindercella and her sugly isters.
Rindercella and her sugly isters lived in a marge lansion. Rindercella worked very hard frubbing sloors, emptying poss pits, and shivelling shot.
At the end of the day, she was knucking fackered. The sugly isters were right bugly astards.. One was called Mary Hinge, and the other was called Betty Swallocks; they were really forrible huckers; they had fetty sweet and fatty swannies.
The sugly isters had tickets to go to the ball, but
the cotton runts would not let Rindercella go.

Suddenly there was a bucking fang, and her gairy fodmother appeared. Her name was Shairy Hithole and she was a light rucking fesbian. She turned a pumpkin and six mite wice into a hucking cuge farriage with six dandy ronkeys who had buge hollocks and digbicks. The gairy fodmother told Rindercella to be back by dimnlight otherwise, there would be a cucking falamity.

At the ball, Rindercella was dancing with the prandsome hince when suddenly the clock struck twelve "Mist all chucking frighty!!!" said Rindercella, and she ran out tripping barse over ollocks, so dropping her slass glipper.

The very next day, the prandsome hince knocked
on Rindercella's door and the sugly isters let him in.. Suddenly, Betty Swallocks lifted her leg and let off a fig bart. "Who's fust jarted?" asked the prandsome hince."Blame that fugly ucker over there!!" said Mary Hinge.

When the stinking brown cloud had lifted, he tried the slass glipper on both the sugly isters without success and their feet stucking funk.
Betty Swallocks was ducking fisgusted and gave the prandsome hince a knack in the kickers. This was not difficult as he had bucking fuge halls and
a hig bard on. He tried the slass glipper on Rindercella and it fitted pucking ferfectly.

Rindercella and the prandsome hince were married. The pransome hince lived his life in lucking fuxury, and Rindercella lived hers with a follen swanny!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Well I have really hit the jackpot. My beloved wife and life partner ( of 29 years)
has gone on a Tour ( relating to her Tai Chi practice) .
This has meant that I am alone ( but not lonely) .
So guess what I did and where I went on Saturday night and the weeekend ...
A perfect weekend.
Another 6 days of total immersion in my reclusivness .
I dont need to get out of tracksuite for the week.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Getting There .....

WeyBack my recluse buddy ... who I don't see that often ( being a recluse in the making) , is working on his profile , as am I. We will have updates as the site progresses.

One of the features of this blog is to have a recluses meeting
once a month;but being a recluse I dont want to attend.