Friday, July 28, 2017

Why do Muslims pray 3 times a day?
PS> Islam is a 'religion'of 1 up manship on all religions. It comes from a position of superiority and arrogance as practiced by mohamed.

Mohamed knew the Jewish religion  very well . Normally Jews  pray 3 times a day -morning, after noon and evening.

On Yom Kippur( the holiest day for Jews) , Jews spend all day in Shul (Synagogue) , and the service has 5 distinct prayer services .

SO ...moham says if the Jews pray 5 times on their holiest  day & 3 normally , THEN islam will pray 5 times EACH day .

Hence showing their 'above the norm' position .

The Koran
De'plane De' plane cries Tutu De' book The Book that  the arabs did not have .

Christians had a Book, the Jews had a Book .  Having a vague idea of what happened before him in history from the Bible ( 5 books of Moses) , he invented the Koran . He did use the Bible as a base , but his allocation of people and places  were in the wrong era's.

The non Biblical parts were the rest which he made up and changed as he pleased !.


Again having been exposed to Judaism , moham knew that from about July -Sept there were a few fasting days in the Jewish calander, culminating in Yom Kippur.!!
Some 24 hr fats , other Sunrise - Sunset.

So....he said .  will go 1 up & fast for a month .....!!!   But the easier one...sunrise to sunset

Hence a whole MONTH .... in a row .

1 up man ship  again!!

The Haj 

Jews make 3 pilgrim visits to Jerusalem ... these festivals like other festivals are called Chag ( Chagim, plural)..

So moham copied this and made up1  HUGE pilgrim to a box once a year 

Haj ..Chag sound similar ... again a rip off from Judaism

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